Tower Mounts & Lighting

Tower Mounts & Lighting

                   COVID-19 Products Supply Shortages

Some Manufactures of Products we carry are more heavily impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic and its disruption to industrial production has begun to impact metals production, especially steel .This may impact the ability to maintain accurate stock counts during abnormal purchasing activity in response to Covid-19 , Fires & Storms. Please call 804-550-7202 to verify stock before adding to cart . 



Tower Antenna, Dish Mounts and Lighting



3 Star carries all types of Tower and  Dish mounts for Cellular, Broadband, HDTV, Business Band, Wireless Internet, SCADA and any Antennas requiring a Mounting Pipe. American Steel... , Buy American.



Low Intensity Obstruction Lighting are lights used to visually mark obstacles and obstructions. These lights are necessary in providing a clear visual indicator and in preventing collisions in poor visibility conditions or at night.


  • Airport Buildings
  • Towers
  • Power Substations
  • Communication Masts
  • Weather Masts
  • High Buildings
  • Chimneies
  • Tower Cranes
  • Bridges
  • Radio and Television Towers
  • Transmission Line
  • Wind Turbines
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5750 Stuart Ave.
Jacksonville, FL 32254

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